JavaScript Framework | Library Back

The following table is generated as per the classification of JavaScript frameworks, or libraries which I have met or used.

MVVM, MVC, MV Vue React, Redux Angular
Google Closure mobx (state management) nerv
superfine (only view layer) pjax (pushState + ajax) svelte
Through Languages alpine (js-in-html) twin.macro (css-in-js)
Mobile (cross through platforms) framework7 ionic react-native
Animation GreenSock Walkway Dynamics
svg.js rellax (parallel scrolling) anime
dynamics.js particles.js (particle animations) contour (drawing SVG)
Bundle Tools Webpack parcel vite
esbuild (for pure ES module) rollup
Widgets Interact ScrollMagic watermarks
Sortable PhotoSwipe handsontablew
split clientjs (device information) downshift (input components based on React)
consola (console tools) strip-indent iframe-resizer
swiper (swiped banners) imagesloaded (check image loading status) keymaster (keyboard handler)
jquery-locationpicker-plugin browserslist jexcel (interactive tables like Excel)
Clamp.js (overflow ellipses) react-dnd (Drag and Drop for React) shake.js (shake event for mobiles)
iinkJS (handwriting recognition) cropper, Croppie (image cropper) react-easy-crop
Lint (or tools for conventions) ESLint jsdoc husky, git-commit-message-convention, commitlint
legally (Check Illegal NPM packages)
Functional jQuery lodash underscore
rxjs Classie number-precision
Browser Compatibility Modernizer phatomjs (simulated browser environment for testing) es3ify
Node csv-writer, csv-parser (csv) iconv-lite (encoding) node-glob, glob-stream
node-properties node-uuid node-zip
glslify (for GLSL) through2 (file stream) fusuma (presentation tool with MDX)
emailjs-mime-builder, emailjs-mime-parser utf8.js (utf8 encoder/decoder) node-sketch
node-cache node-sass exceljs
speedracer (test performance for Node modules) pkg (package executables) devtool (run Node.js programs with Chromium DevTools)
chrome-remote-interface (Chrome Debugging Protocol interface or Node.s) jsdiff (diff text) falcor (for data fetching)
isomorphic-git (pure js for Git Operation) svgexport (SVG to PNG/JPEG for Node) remove-markdown (strip Markdown stuff from text)
cli-table table node-progress (progress bar for Node)
sheetjs pako (zlib port for compression) node-apn (for Apple Push notification)
EPromises (Extended Promises) Turndown (HTML to Markdown) image-to-ascii
node-canvas simple-peer (WebRTC) trianglify
exifr (EXIF parser) Bree (job scheduler in Node)
Servers Express Koa fastify
Syntax Highlight pygments.js prism highlight.js
Graphic (VR, AR etc.) three.js (3D) viro (AR and VR) zdog
d3, d3-graphiviz aframe tracking.js
gm (GraphicsMagick for Node) sharp (based on Node) html2canvas
rough (hand-drawn generation) pixi.js
VivGraphJS mojs Polyvia
tesseract.js (text extractor from images) webvr-boilerplate (based on three.js) konva (Canvas Framework)
canny-edge-detection sigma.js StackBlur (Gaussian Blur)
smartcrop.js matter-js (physical graphic engine)
Computer Vision mediapipe (CV solutions with JavaScript) anime4k (JS implementation of Anime4K)
Touch Handler hammer.js touchemulator Touchy.js
Color TinyColor (color manipulation) chromatism (utility functions for colors) spectrum (color picker)
Time moment, moment-timezone luxon (lightweight) spacetime (lightweight)
moment-duration-format (formatter for moment duration) moment-lunar (plugin for Chinese lunar calendar)
Video video.js flv.js (flv player) ccapture.js (based on Canvas)
jPlayer Remotion (create video programmatically)
Audio howler.js Rythm.js aurora.js (audio decoding framework)
flac.js beats-audio-api
Data Visualization
echarts grafana Chart.js
fusioncharts-jquery-plugin react-vis (based on React) tensorboard (Visualization Toolkit for TensorFlow)
JavaScript Parser acorn UglifyJS jstransform
tenko (support ES6 - ES2020) seafox (up to ES2021) escaya (up to ES2021)
esprima espree
Markdown Parser marked unified, remark remarkable
Security retire.js js-xss crypto-js
aes-js DOMPurify
Editor simplemde-markdown-editor (Markdown) kindeditor react-ace (based on React)
ace monaco-editor (code) react-page (based on React)
slate ckeditor5
HTTP / Socket Client ky (based on window.fetch) axios
Parsers psd.js htmlparser2 (HTML and XML) mailparser (MIME parser)
Data Training brain.js tfjs
Shim / Polyfill raf (requestAnimationFrame) json3 core-estimator (navigator.hardwareConcurrency)
core-js ExplorerCanvas (simulated Canvas?) history.js
Webpack Loaders / Plugins loader-utils handlebars-loader css-split-webpack-plugin
git-revision-webpack-plugin vue-loader mini-css-extract-plugin
postcss-loader less-loader eslint-loader
css-loader webpack-dev-middleware analyse (analyse building states)
ES3-compatible-webpack-plugin sass-loader html-webpack-plugin
copy-webpack-plugin extract-text-webpack-plugin webpack-bundle-analyzer
react-hot-loader babel-loader circular-dependency-plugin
Book vuepress docz mdx-deck
gitbook wiki eleventy-high-performance-blog (performance best practices)
UI YUI jquery-ui element (based on Vue)
ant-design (based on React) bootstrap wired-elements
Font-Awesome (icon toolkit) material-ui bumbag-ui (based on React)
Fluent-UI tdesign
Optimization cssnano uglify-js@2 uglify-js@3 (uglify-es not maintained)
css-blocks prettier clean-css
terser (ES6+) babel-minify (Babel's toolchain) optimize-js
Template nunjucks handlebars.js mustache.js
ember.js squirrelly Pug
ejs Nunjucks backbonejs
marko moustache.js doT
hogan.js Template7 (Mobile-first template engine)
Test mocha, chai jest jasmine, karma
dom-testing-library cypress (end to end) puppeteer (end to end)
lighthouse (UX performance) rrweb (record and replay) playwright
Game Engines cocos2d-js hex-engine phaser
Package Management npm yarn bower
verdaccio (private npm proxy) lerna (manage multiple packages in one project)
Performance fastdom (DOM performance enhancement)
Encryption/Decryption js-jsbn (RSA) sm-crypto (SM2/SM3/SM4) IDEA (IDEA cipher)
Rendering markmap (mind maps) vexflow (stave) KaTeX (math expressions)
File System webdav-client

Note: strong links mean there are corresponding notes for those frameworks or libraries.

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