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1. Installation

Firstly, clone the angular-phonecat repository located at GitHub by running the following command:

git clone --depth=16 https://github.com/angular/angular-phonecat.git

the --depth=16 option tells Git to pull down only the last 16 commits, which make it faster to download

After then, install all dependencies through npm:

  • Bower
  • Http-Server
  • Karma
  • Protractor
npm install -g bower
npm install

Running npm install will also automatically use bower to download the AngularJS framework into the directory app/bower_componets.

2. Running the Development Web Server

Start the web server by running:

npm start

Then it will create a local web server that is listening to the port 8000 of the local machine.

If you want to serve the app on a different IP address or port, edit the "start" script within package.json, and use -a to set up another address, and -p to set up the port. At the same time, you also need to upade the baseUrl configuration property in e2e-test/protractor.conf.js.

3. Running Unit Tests

Unit tests focus on testing small isolated parts of application. The angular-phonecat project use Karma to run the unit tests for the application. Start it by running:

npm test

With running Karma, it will read the configuration file karma.conf.js located at the root of the project directory, which tells Karma to:

  1. Open up instances of the Chrome and Firefox browsers and connect them to Karma
  2. Execute all the unite tests in these browsers
  3. Report the result of tests in the terminal
  4. Watch all JavaScript files in the project, and re-run tests whenever any change happens

4. Running E2E Tests

E2E (end-to-end) tests are used to ensure that the application behaves as expected. How? It will simulate real user interactions in the browser.

E2E tests are kept in the e2e-tests directory, run by Protractor.

Before running applications, we may need to install some drivers relied by Protractor:

npm run update-webdriver

Then, make sure we have started up a running application:

npm start

Then, run it:

npm run protractor

With running Protractor, it will read the configuration file at e2e-tests/protractor.conf.js, which tells Protractor to:

  • Open up a Chrome browser to connect to the application
  • Execute all the E2E tests in this browser
  • Report the result of tests in the the terminal
  • Close the browser and exit
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