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Type Inferences Back

In TypeScript, type inferences are always happened anywhere, wherever you define a variable without explicitly declaring its type. For instance, the following variable x is inferred to be number directly.

const x = 3;

1. Best Common Type

In advanced, TypeScript background engine will also calculate the best common type when given with an array:

const arr = [0, 1, null];

Take the snippet above as an example, TypeScript will explore types of each members and calculated the best common type for such a variable:

/** same as */
const arr: (number | null)[] = [0, 1, null];

However, not all the things can be ideal. In such an example, we hole that TypeScript can infer the variable to a type of Animal[], but there are no members strictly defined as type Animal in the array.

class Animal {}
class Cat extends Animal {}
class Dog extends Animal {}
class Horse extends Animal {}

const arr = [new Dog(), new Horse(), new Cat()];

So the best common type that infer to is just the union array type: (Dog | Horse | Cat)[]. To correct this, instead explicitly provide the type when no one type is a super type of all other candidates:

const arr: Animal[] = [new Dog(), new Horse(), new Cat()];

2. Contextual Type

Contextual typing occurs when the type of an expression is implied by its location. For example:

window.onmousedown = function (mouseEvent) {
    console.log(mouseEvent.clickTime); /** TS2339: Property 'clickTime' does not exist on type 'MouseEvent' */

As shown above, mouseEvent has been inferred to a type named MouseEvent according to its location. What if explicitly declaring the parameter accepted as any, the contextual type is ignored, and means no error any more.

window.onmousedown = function (mouseEvent: any) {
    console.log(mouseEvent.clickTime); /** OK */

Besides, contextual typing applies in many cases including right hand sides of assignments, type assertions, members of object and array literals, and return statement.

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