Configuration Back

After installation of ESLint, you may have to set up a configuration file by typing:

eslint --init

Once running this command, a file named .eslintrc will be automatically created in the directory, in which you will see some rules like the following snippet:

    "rules": {
        "semi": ["error", "always"],
        "quotes": ["error", "double"]

The names semi and quotes are the names of rules in ESLint. The first value is the error level of the rule and can be one of these values:

  • off or 0: turn the rule off
  • warn or 1: turn the rule on as a warning
  • error or 2: turn the rule on as an error

Despite of the property of rules, it will also included the property of extends like the following snippet:

    "extends": "eslint:recommended"

With this property set by default, all the rules maked with ticks notation () will be set.

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